Enhance your fertility with evidence-based nutrition strategies in 6 weeks…
    without participating in fad diets, buying unnecessary products or feeling completely overwhelmed by the endless conflicting advice out there.
Do you want to support your fertility and improve your chances of conceiving by using evidence-based nutrition strategies that actually work?
If you’re thinking about trying for a baby or wanting to improve your health, it can be difficult to separate fact from fiction amidst a sea of overwhelming information.
So much of the advice out there is not rooted in scientific evidence. The fads sold to you as the “best diet”, the fancy products that cost an arm and a leg, the shame-inducing protocols and nutrition advice… All of it leaves you more bewildered than ever. What can you actually eat?
It can be so difficult to get started on optimising your nutrition and health to support fertility when you don’t know who to trust, or where to begin…
My Nourish Your Fertility program is here to change that!
Nutrition plays an enormous role in your fertility, pregnancy, and your future baby’s health. Good nutrition habits can support regular ovulation, improve egg and sperm quality, reduce your risk of pregnancy complications, and much more.
But to achieve this, you need practical, actionable strategies which have a significant effect on your fertility and preconception health.
I want to help you ditch the confusion and get your hands on the most effective, science-based nutrition strategies you can implement today, so you can enhance your fertility and health right away!
Enter the...
Nourish Your Fertility Program
I created Nourish Your Fertility to provide you with the most up-to-date, evidence-based education on nutrition for fertility. Nutrition is such a powerful and effective tool which can be harnessed and used to improve your chances of falling pregnant - if you know what to do!
You’ll gain practical strategies to boost your preconception health and optimise your chances of conception in a matter of weeks.
- When, why and how to get started with preconception care, coordinating both the medical and nutritional aspects of fertility
- How to understand your hormones and menstrual cycle
- Which blood tests can be helpful as part of your preconception health assessment
- How to make optimal food choices to support your fertility
- The key nutrients to prioritise to support fertility and your egg quality
- Which foods and drinks to minimise when you’re trying to conceive
- A comprehensive guide on what to look for in a prenatal supplement, including suggested dosages for your prenatal multivitamin
- How you can support male fertility and sperm quality
- You’re educated on the most effective nutrition strategies you can implement to improve your fertility
- You’re making informed, achievable dietary choices which have powerful impacts on your preconception health
- You’re feeling confident and empowered that you’re doing everything possible to support your chances of conceiving
- You’re not wasting time, money or energy on useless fad diets, supplements and restrictive nutrition strategies with no basis in fact or science.
- Get your hands on the key strategies I use to optimise preconception nutrition with my 1:1 private practice clients
- Access 6 easy-to-digest video tutorials, with actionable worksheets and downloads to help you plan your journey and implement positive changes right away
- Work your way through the self-paced online program anywhere, anytime
- Work through the modules weekly and complete the course in just 6 weeks! However you do have 12 months’ access to the portal, giving you plenty of time to progress at your own pace, or revisit it when you need a refresher.
Preparing for Conception
- Run through the fundamentals of preconception care: the what, why and when… and most importantly, how you can get started today.
- Understand the amazing impact of nutrition on preconception and infant health.
Macronutrients for Fertility
- Review the key macronutrients for fertility, and learn how to make the best macronutrient choices to support your chances of conceiving.
- Get my simple formula of how to build a balanced plate for fertility.
Micronutrients for Fertility
Discover the key vitamins and minerals to include in your diet to optimise your preconception health.
- Understand the importance of antioxidants for fertility.
- Learn what dietary patterns best support fertility, and how you can improve your dietary choices today.
Food & Drinks to Minimise
- Understand the foods and drinks to minimise when trying to conceive.
- Learn what dietary patterns best support fertility, and how you can improve your dietary choices today.
Prenatal Supplements
- Understand why you need to take a supplement during preconception and pregnancy.
- Review the minimum supplement requirements for preconception.
- Discover other potentially beneficial supplements for optimal preconception and pregnancy health.
Male Fertility Nutrition
- Discover the foundations of a fertility-friendly diet for males, and understand which specific micronutrients support sperm quality.
- Understand the diet and lifestyle factors that can negatively impact sperm quality.
- Learn what dietary patterns best support fertility, and how you can improve your dietary choices today.
- Your Hormones & Your Cycle Tip Sheet
- Preconception Blood Tests Tip Sheet
- Fertility Nutrition Checklist
- How to Build a Fertility Friendly Balanced Plate Guide
- Preconception Essentials Nutrition E-book (covering key nutrients, fertility nutrition FAQs and tips on reducing your toxin exposure)
- 7 Day Omnivore Fertility Meal Plan
- 7 Day Plant Based Fertility Meal Plan
- Simple Fertility Recipes Ebook (containing 40 recipes)
- A comprehensive Prenatal Supplements E-Guide and checklist, including suggested dosages for prenatal multivitamins
- Male Fertility Nutrition Tip Sheet
- Transitioning off The Pill Tip Sheet
- 6 video modules walking you through the how-to of preconception planning, nutrition and supplementation (valued at $550)
- Fertility Nutrition Resource Library to download and keep forever (valued at $250)
- Comprehensive prenatal supplementation E-Guide and checklist
- 2 x 7-Day Fertility Meal Plans (one omnivore, one plant-based) and a fertility recipe book, to give you plenty of practical food inspiration (valued at $120)
- 12 months’ portal access, so you have plenty of time to use the program materials
- Exclusive discount codes for a 1:1 consultation with me if you want further support
- Confidence and clarity on your preconception journey (priceless!)
Total Value = Over $1000!
Is Nourish Your Fertility right for you?
Let’s find out.
Nourish Your Fertility is perfect for your needs if:
- You’re currently trying to conceive, or hoping to try for a baby in the next 12 months
- You’re looking to improve your health and fertility
- You’re searching for trusted, science-based advice on how to improve your diet for fertility and pregnancy
- You’re overwhelmed by the endless amounts of information out there claiming to support fertility
- You’re ready for actionable, effective strategies you can implement today to optimise your fertility and chances of conceiving.
I’m an accredited nutritionist, registered with the Australian Traditional Medicine Society organisation in Australia, where I’m based.
I strongly believe that fertility nutrition strategies and education can have a hugely positive impact on the health of you and your future baby.
Science has proven that nutrition can significantly influence short- and long-term health outcomes for both mother and baby.
I want you to be able to take advantage of this knowledge and give yourself and your baby the best chance at a happy and healthy life.
As a result, I’ve built my nutrition clinic so I can support you as you navigate preconception care, fertility treatments, reproductive health, pregnancy and beyond.